Ale-Hop Denia Headquarters

Space traced with lineS

The Clave Denia Logistics Centre and Office Building, known by its commercial brand ALE-HOP, is located in the Valencian town of Bellreguard. In a recently developed area, surrounded by orange groves and with the Mediterranean Sea to the east as a backdrop. 

The new headquarters is erected in the form of a powerful white prismatic volume, materialised by means of large prefabricated concrete panels. The adjoining piece comprises the Office Building, also composed of a rectangular volume of three heights, easily recognisable thanks to the horizontal rips in each of the floors, which introduce natural light from the south into the full depth of the Offices. 

The approach to the programme of needs leads to the design of an essentially transversal organisational structure, but with differentiation in three levels of hierarchy, with direct communication and visual relations between each of them. In response to growth and possible changes in the company’s organisation, the architecture is based on a versatile compartmentalisation solution, which will allow the programme to be adapted to the company’s needs at any given time. 

The scheme of uses starts on each floor from a large initial hall space, from which a succession of rooms is created, with main uses on the south façade and servants’ quarters on the opposite side, divided by a central axis in the manner of a long street segmented by small squares. 

Inside, the continuous paving, together with the predominance of white perimeter cladding and the glass subdivisions, give rise to a luminous and transparent space with a markedly technological essence.

The intervention, with a markedly sober and minimalist character, conceals a sophisticated and innovative installation, with complex air conditioning supply and return systems, ventilation and air renewal systems, as well as intelligent control and regulation of the artificial lighting, among other installations. 

The combination of transparent glass in the longitudinal direction, with translucent glass in the transversal direction, maximises the penetration of natural light through the rooms of prolonged use, to the interior rooms of occasional use. Similarly, the succession of continuous white panelling, applied to management spaces, contrasts with the grooved white panelling, which allows the identification of server areas and even the concealment of their doors. In the ceilings, the absence of visible installations contrasts with the sinuousness of the linear indirect lighting that accompanies the route, marking the rhythm between different departments while showing the versatility of the proposed layout. 


Arquitectos | Architects

Ubicación | Location
46713 Bellreguard, Valencia, Spain

Arquitecto a Cargo | Principal Architect
Rubén Muedra

Fotografías | Photographer
Adrián Mora Maroto

Colaboradores | Collaborators
Emilio Belda, Víctor Pavía, Patricia Sancho

Estructura | Structure
Emilio Belda

Arquitecto Técnico | Building Engineer
Rubén Clavijo

Diseño Interior | Interior Design
Rubén Muedra Estudio de Arquitectura

Construcción | Construction
Clave Denia SA

Superficie Construida | Built Area
2926,3 m2

Superficie Parcela | Plot Surface
47840 m2

Año de Proyecto | Project year

Año de Construcción | Construction year
2019 – 2020 (12 meses)

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